I just write. The rest is automated.
Steps (actually, there is only one step: writing)
- I write blog posts in notion, structured how I like
- Automatically ~15 minutes later the website + blog is generated from notion, using docusaurus + docu-notion, and pushed to github pages
There’s nothing I actually needed to do except write
That’s it. I just write. The rest is automated.
How it works
Source: https://github.com/dionjwa/dionjwa.github.io
A github action runs a few scripts commands:
- Using docu-notion (and a root notion page) the docusaurus blog markdown is generated from specified notion pages
- I also use a custom set of plugins for various pieces: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@metapages/docu-notion-plugins
- The docusaurus website is built
- Then deployed to github pages
It’s otherwise tricky to find a set of tools for writing/publishing a blog+resume with the following requirements (for me):
- open source, or high data trust
- able to output from notion. I’m too tired to convert to anything, like multiple publishing endpoints. I just want to write, and have everything be automated
- but also look good
- where i just write, and do absolutely nothing else. no saving, no publishing step.
- but also everything is backed up, with full version history